Thought Leadership
High Level Achievements
Publication - IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems 2021 - Advancing Human Adoption of Technology
Undergraduate Thesis - Capturing the Value of Augmented Reality in Industry
Conferences - MSU Accessibility Learning Conference, Campus Party Tech Conference

Advancing Human Adoption of Technology
IEEE International Conference on Human Machine Systems 2021
In September 2021, I was fortunate to present in the proceedings of ICHMS 2021. The paper, embedded on the right, was concerned with a two-pronged approach of advancing humanity's adoption of technology, ultimately resulting in the recommendation for ubiquitous computing as a paradigm. It was ran in the ethics track of the conference. It was in Magdeburg, Germany, and it was a great experience at both a professional and personal level. The paper can now be found in IEEE Xplore.
Improving Accessibility with Augmented Reality (AR)
Michigan State University Accessibility Learning Conference
In December of 2018, I presented at MSU's Accessibility Conference about increasing work-related accessibility with AR. The presentation began with an ergonomic analysis of workplace augmented reality. The latter half of the presentation goes over specific tactics used to increase clarity and effectiveness of design, instruction, and interaction.

Capturing the Value of AR in Industry
This is my undergraduate thesis. It expanded upon my earlier research above, exploring AR through the lens of physical, cognitive, organizational ergonomics. Throughout that section of the document, I focus on how LightGuide can benefit workers through making tasks less cognitively taxing, providing higher quality output, and more effective training programs.
I also included material meant for sales and marketing efforts as well as to expand our literature. This included a case study on a system at Luxottica, in which I timed the operators and took quality data before and used the LightGuide provided data after an implementation. Following that, I wrote a white paper on how LightGuide can aid the social economy, enabling persons with certain disabilities to take part in more jobs. Finally, I developed an ROI calculator for use to demonstrate the practicality of buying a LightGuide system. This primarily serves as a sales tool, though we also implemented a website-based version as a lead magnet.
This effort was in large effort to "cross the chasm", appealing to the mainstream market and embed ourselves within the early adopters market segment.
How AR is Changing Industry
The Senior VP of Sales of LightGuide, Chris Bala, and I presented about how AR is changing industry. The presentation goes over different ROI drivers of AR, from hard benefits to soft. Hard benefits include higher quality and increased productivity. Moreover, training programs were more effective using AR, alleviating staffing issues. Soft benefits mainly are congitive in nature, as operators often experience less fatigue when using AR in their job. This is due to less decision making and reduced reliance on memory over the course of their day.